Wednesday 28 September 2011

Saturday 22 November 2008


Scottish wedding!

Drunk people! Bad DJ! Deepfried food!

A lot like home really....


I went there and it was pretty.

Isle of Wight

My first ever UK music festival.

Three Days of Rock.

Or rather, Mud.

I finally learned the true value of the gumboot.

And discovered that festivals and fashion sense do not necessarily go together.

Edinburgh B&B style

There are no words.

Monday 7 July 2008


O.k. so I know I'm getting old.

I stock up on knitted beanies in every city I visit.

I have tanties when facing more than a day without a decent cuppa.

I get excited about pot plants (the boring sort).

But I don't care how young you are - those bicycles are Stressful Dude. Whatever happened to a good ole roaring engine and tooting horn to warn blind pedestrians like me that they're about to be run over?!

Amterdam TRANQUIL?! My ass.