Men in uniform on every corner, dilapidated streets, enormous palaces, cyrillic script.
Some borscht.
Too much vodka.

I crossed the russian border all on my lonesome. See how intrepid i am.The border guards rapped on my carriage door at 2am and barked at me in russian. The only word I knew was nyet (no). Luckily, this appeared to be the correct answer.

yep, that about sums it up.

One of the russian tsars was murdered in a horrible way, so they built this garish cathedral on the assassination site. Lovely.

Yes, that is a hot pink stretch hummer. this is a serious oil-producing west-aspiring land.

No, a car like this is not uncommon

Red bull+vodka, ruski-style

A famous palace....

... and one of the neglected streets right outside said famous palace. Me and my fellow socialists were horrified.
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